
Nodout in alternative coordinate systems.

The program generates new nodout files in respect to a coordinate system defined by three nodes given in the nodout itself. This allows the generation of the nodout in a new inertial system, i.e. a passenger in the vehicle.

NODREL transforms global nodal results from the LS-DYNA NODOUT file into a local system - defined by three reference nodes. The displacements for the resultant file are measured relative to the local system. It is optional to output the velocities as intrusion velocities relative to the local system. All translational data is transformed into the local system. All rotational result data is bypassed.

It is optional also to transform results from a LS-DYNA SECFORC file into the local system. If desired then the frequency for the output must be identical for the NODOUT and the SECFORC files.

usage: nodrel -n <nodout-file> [options]
or nodrel -n <binout-files> [options]


-n nodout-file LS-DYNA ASCII nodout file (default: nodout)
-n binout-files LS-DYNA LSDA binout file family (eg: -n binout*)
-g plotfile LS-DYNA binary plot geometry data file
(default: d3plot)
-r ref-nod-file file that contains 3 reference nodes
(default: nodrel.ref)
-o nodrel-file output file in LS-DYNA nodout format
(default: nodout.rel)
-iv intrusion velocity
(default: total velocity)
-lco local coordinates (default: no transformation of coordinates)
-coor use coordinates instead displacements to determine transformation matrix (only ASCII)
-s secforc-file LS-DYNA ASCII secforc file
(default: secforc - if only "s" is given)
-t secforc.rel resulting secforc file relative to ref-nodes
(default: secforc.rel)
-sid ## only transform section with ID ##
(only for secforc option)
-stol <value>
tolerance for time difference nodout-secforc
(default: 0.002)
-noinfo do NOT write extra nodrel information to header of resulting file
-v version number
-help long help on screen