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Installation procedures for stand-alone and server versions of DYNAFORM 5.2(UNIX) are shown as below. For node locked installation: 1. Uncompress and untar the installation package tgz file for the matching OS system. 2. Run "./df_install" for installation. The file "eta.log" is automatically created. 3. Send the file "eta.log" to for licensing. Please mention the this is for Dynaform 5.1. 4. Replace the default eta.lic file with the new license file. 5. Run DYNAFORM by typing "df55" or "./df55". For server installation: 1. Uncompress and untar the installation package tgz file for the matching OS system. 2. Run "./df_install" for installation. 3. Navigate to the installation directory; for example on a SUN machine ~/ETA_DF5/SOLARIS. 4. Get the host ID for the server machine by executing the script file "eta_lsrv". E-mail the host ID to Please mention the version number and request a SERVER license. The HOST ID will be provided as "Host id: ********". 5. After receiving the license file (eta.lic), replace the default eta.lic file with the new eta.lic. 6. Open eta.lic with a text editor a. Remove the comment sign(!) before the "license_server" line, and b. Replace "SERVER_HOST" with the actual host name of the server machine. For example: sun8. c. Use a port number which is not being used for other applications, default is "12345" . 7. Run "./eta_lsrv" start the server. 8. On the client machine, install the installation file which matches the client machine OS system. Open the default eta.lic file, edit the server machine hostname (same as in 6b above) and the port number (same as in 6c above). 9. Run DYNAFORM by typing "df55" or "./df55".