4a Summer School
VALIMAT® and IMPETUS® Online Training vom 7.-17. Juli 2020
Vom 7.-17. Juli veranstaltet 4a die Summer School.
Die kostenlosen Webinare finden jeweils von 9 - 11 Uhr statt. Nach Abschluss der zweiten Woche besteht die Möglichkeit, VALIMAT®-Testlizenz anzufordern. Anmeldung unter 4a-engineering.at/registration-summer-school
1st week - Introduction and outlook
- 07. July - Introduction to VALIMAT® - from test to material card
- 08. July - Efficient dynamic testing with IMPETUS® including LIVE demo
- 09. July - Material card generation: vonMises plasticity (*MAT_024), simple failure and how to set up our Autofit
- 10. July - Summary: Lessons learned, outlook and upcoming features
2nd week - Advanced topics
- 14. July - Evaluating and checking test data - interpretation of typical results
- 15. July - Material card generation: general yield surface (*MAT_187) and other material models, failure approaches and comprehensive Autofit setup
- 16. July - Material card generation: Fiber reinforced plastics and their modelling approach: an extensive guide
- 17. July - Python: a powerful tool with VALIMAT®, user defined material cards/specimen, upcoming features